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Hoshitoge Rice Terraces

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The Hoshitoge Rice Terraces, where around 200 rice paddies of various sizes stretch out on mountain slopes like the scales of a fish, and show different views each season and at each time of the day, are the most popular spots among the rice terraces dotted around Tokamachi City. In the best season, when the sea of clouds phenomenon occurs and the waters of the paddies shine, many photographers and tourists from all over the country come to this place to see the beautiful scenery.

More Information about Hoshitoge Rice Terraces

Street address

Toge, Tokamachi City, Niigata Prefecture


  • Take the Hokuhoku Line to Matsudai Station, then around 20 minutes by taxi.

Opening Hours



Best season

Apr., May, Jun., Oct., Nov.


The rice paddies of Tokamachi City are not tourism sites. Please tour while observing proper manners, such as not entering the rice paddies (the edges) or fields, and taking your trash home with you. People working in the paddies or fields are not models for photoshoots, so please do not take any photos of them without permission.
update: Sep.3.2024

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